Marketing & Communications Group

The Marketing & Communications Group is one of the Collaboration’s special interest subgroups. Group members have a particular interests in the marketing, promotion and reputational enhancement of academic libraries to staff, students and the wider community. Membership is largely self-selected by individuals rather than operating a representational model (e.g. like the MSDG).

The current (Mar ’22 on) operational leads for the group are Claire Browne(Birmingham), Emma Halford-Busby (Nottingham), Joe Carey (Wolverhampton). The group reports and is responsible to the Collaboration’s Directors, via the Steering Group and Group Sponsor (name to be confirmed).

Following a period of Steering Group review (Nov ’21-Mar ’22), this group has returned to operational status.


Group membership is open to all staff working in member libraries with an interest in marketing, promotion, advocacy or communications in any capacity. To be added to the distribution list, contact the Executive Officer.

Further Information

For more information on this as well as other activities, membership, and future events, please contact the Group’s Organisating Committee members or the Executive Officer.

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