Call for Conference Group members for 2025

The Mercian Collaboration Conference Group is putting out a call for new members to help organise and run our Mercian 2025 Conference.
The CG is responsible for every aspect of the conference, from the organising speakers, liaising with the venue, and developing the programme and activities. Our current list of members and roles is here CG Current Members.
We are a collaborative and supportive group, and being a committee member is a great way to develop connections with colleagues across the region. Each committee member works closely with a partner, and you will be paired with an experienced colleague who will lead and help you to build the skills and knowledge required to successfully plan and deliver our annual conference.
As part of the group, you'd be expected to attend regular online meetings (1 hr per month, moving to fortnightly and weekly in the months immediately before the conference). We also have one in person “speaker proposal” session, where we review submissions at the conference venue.
If you’re interested, please seek approval from your Line Manager/Director, and then send an Expression Of Interest to Paul Cavanagh, Mercian 25 Conference Group Chair, at Paul is also happy to answer any questions you may have, so please do get in touch. You must be currently working at a Mercian Collaboration member institution.
Photo credit: Andy Calvert, University of Warwick