Deputies & Senior Staff Group
The Deputies & Senior Staff Group (D&SSG) is one of the Collaboration’s special interest groups. Unlike most other SIG, this group was initially proposed by the Directors Board, and informed by a survey of eligible staff, informally configured at an inaugural meeting, Nov 2019. As the name suggests, the group is a forum for staff with senior operational and strategic responsibilities within the Collaboration member libraries but who are not the Director (institutional library lead). The intent is to facilitate group members to: exchange experience, participate in horizon scanning, obtain support for strategic planning and insights into the operationalisation of national agenda items.
Unlike most SIGs the D&SSG is not a representative group, but rather an inclusive forum to which all library staff of an appropriate seniority are automatically welcome to contribute and participate. A formal terms of reference is under discussion and will be submitted to the Board for approval in early 2020. As such, the information on these pages should be considered to be under-discussion and pending for review.
It is anticipated the D&SSG will use a rotating chair, based on the location or topics of their meetings. However, the Steering Group and Executive Officer will provide input, insight and support for the group’s direction and activities; informed by the Board and strategic plan. The group reports and is responsible to the Mercian Directors via the Steering Group and their Group Sponsor (Emma Walton).