Buddying Scheme
What is it?
Run by the MSDG Committee, buddying is an informal peer-to-peer support arrangement and is especially suitable for people starting in a new post or role, interested in moving into a new area of library work or level of responsibility, or looking for some guidance and advice from outside their own institution’s staff. It is designed to support participants in becoming familiar with the role, developing their networks of contacts or simply to answer personal development needs.
Essentially, it involves two members of staff from different Mercian institutions, with the more experienced individual providing a listening ear, while proffering advice and insight to the other participant.
What Buddying Isn’t
Buddying isn’t mentoring, as this would require a far more formal arrangement between both buddies, with extensive reporting and monitoring requirements. Buddying is designed to be light-touch, flexible and hopefully mutually beneficial to all participants.
Who would my buddy be?
Usually, we arrange to partner you with someone in a Mercian member university with experience of the areas you’ve indicated interest in on your application submission.
When and how would we meet?
That can be decided between buddies but normally each meeting should normally be no more than around 2 hours and should take place during normal working hours. Meetings can be conducted entirely via online or over the phone, as there are no automatic expectations on either party to physically meet up, unless both buddies feel it would be beneficial.
How Long Does It Last?
Normally, being a buddy will last for around 6 months, although it may be shorter if the participant’s development needs have been answered. Buddies are encouraged to remain in touch after the 6 months, but this is very much left up to individual participants. Periodically we’ll ask buddies to let us know how they found the experience and if there are any lessons we can apply when arranging future buddying match-ups.
How Do I Find or Become a Buddy?
Complete an application, or contact your MSDG representative for more information.
Privacy Notice & Consent
By participating in the Mercian Buddying Scheme, you consent to the use of your personal details for the express purpose of arranging participation in the Mercian Buddying Scheme only.
Your personal data will be shared electronically via email or telephone with SDG Representatives and Managers within Mercian Collaboration member organisations, as well as prospective buddies, solely for arranging a suitable buddying match.
You have the right to withdraw your consent and/or request the deletion of your personal data from the scheme at any time by contacting the SDG Chair or Mercian Executive Officer.
Deletion of your personal data will also indicate your withdrawal from the Buddying Scheme.