New Subgroups

Periodically the community, Board or Steering Group may wish to propose a new special interest subgroup. While these may be instigated to meet particular member needs subgroups have often been created following discussions by staff within membership organisations or following Collaboration events. There is no single defining characteristic of a subgroup, although in order to be approved a nucleus of staff must be available to lead on their organisation and operations for at least the first year to eighteen months of existence. Subgroups are also subject to periodic review by Steering Group, where activities fall below minimum expectations for a protracted period.

The last new subgroups were launched in 2019.

New Subgroup Proposals

All potential new subgroups are required to undergo informal discussion and exploration with the Steering Group before making a formal proposal to the Directors Board. The Executive Officer is available for consultation and advice ahead of any formal or informal exploration of a new subgroup’s formation.

Any newly confirmed subgroups will be subject to a check for alignment with the Collaboration’s strategic aims, operational needs and administrative capacity. As such, proposers are advised to consult our key governance documentation and strategic plan.

Further Information

For further information or to discuss potential groups and the formal proposal process, please contact the Executive Officer.

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