Copyright Group Meeting (May '22)

Tuesday, May 17, 2022 - 10:00 to 11:00

A sunset

This is a planning meeting for all interested parties concerning the Copyright Group and will be held in mid-May. As this subgroup has been placed under-review the key areas for discussion are exploring the possibilities of relaunching and revitalising the group's activities. For this to happen a small number of people will need to take a lead in organising future meetings, supported by the Collaboration and Group Sponsors. Hence, this event will explore the potential for moving this subgroup back onto an active footing.

This event will be hosted and chaired by the Collaboration Executive Officer, Dr Gareth J Johnson. Anyone with an interest in participating in the work of this exciting subgroup area is encouraged to get in touch to request details of how to access this event.

Audience: All staff with an interest in copyright, licencing, licensing and rights management

Booking: To reserve a spot contact

AgendaAn outline agenda is available


Online meeting
Linked news article: