Marketing & Communications Group Meeting (Nov '22)

Wednesday, November 9, 2022 - 14:00 to 15:30


The next meeting of the Marketing & Communications Group will be hosted online in November 2022. The format for this meeting will continue to be a discussion forum, where attendees are invited to share experiences and updates on a range of relevant topics of interest, as chosen at the previous meeting. Attendees will be invited to review how start of session went and share ideas for exam communications. 

Topics for the next meeting of the group will also be discussed, plus there will be an opportunity to share updates on related marketing and communications activities. There will also be an update from the Mercian Collaboration on news, events and activities. Meeting minutes will be made available afterwards.

AgendaAn agenda and past minutes are available.

Attendance: The event will be chaired by members of the Group Coordination Group (see below). To be added to the group mailing list contact

Format: The meeting will be a discussion forum and hosted online.  Attendees will need access to a webcam and microphone to participate. A Teams link will be emailed to the mailing list shortly

Audience: All staff with an interest in marketing, communications, promotion or social media

ContactClaire Brown (, Emma Halford-Busby (, Joe Carey ( or Susan O’Sullivan (Sue.O' for details

Online meeting (Teams)