MMG Committee Members
A core group (commitee) co-ordinates the Mercian Metadata Group's operations, and seeks to ensure its long term sustainability. Where possible all member universities are represented on a wider committee, and contribute to the group's directions and activities. This group is currently co-chaired by Richard Birley & William Peaden ( &, and any questions relating to the Metadata Group and its activities should be directed to them in the first instance, or the Collaboration's Executive Officer as an alternative.
William Peaden | Coventry University (co-chair) |
Richard Birley | Birmingham City University (co-chair) |
Vacant | Bishop Grosseteste University | |
Vacant | Coventry University | |
Shannon Searle | Cranfield University | |
Lynne Dyer & Owen Thomas | De Montfort University | |
Helen Smith | Harper Adams University | |
Gretta Cole & Katie Appleton | Loughborough University | |
Jane Faux & Simon Satchwell-Giles | Newman University |
Vacant | Nottingham Trent University | |
Galen Jones | Open University | |
Sarah Beighton | Staffordshire University | |
Vacant | University College Birmingham | |
Vacant | University of Birmingham | |
Sally Rimmer | University of Derby | |
Vacant | University of Keele | |
Corinne Lambert | University of Leicester | |
Vacant | University of Lincoln | |
Masniza Sore | University of Northampton | |
Nick Williams | University of Nottingham | |
Ed Kirkland | University of Warwick (core committee) |
Vacant | University of Wolverhampton | |
Vacant | University of Worcester | |
Ruth Jenkins |
Executive Officer Mercian Collaboration [ex officio] |