Planning and Delivering an Online Induction Programme during Covid

Friday, January 29, 2021 - 11:00 to 12:30

View of Aston University Library, exterior

Due to the pandemic, induction for new students in 2020 had a very different look to it with the entire induction programme moving online.

As well as it being a different experience for students, library staff also had to develop new materials and skills sets to deliver the programme in a welcoming and engaging way. The aim was to inform the students about what the Library had to offer while ensuring that even though the event was online there was still a high level of interaction with students within the sessions. Hosted by Aston University Library, on behalf of the Mercian Staff Development Group, join Clare Langman (Information Specialist for Life & Health Sciences) and Andy Doyle (Information Specialist for the Medical School) as they take you on a journey through the 2020 induction process. This will be followed by a chance for discussion and questions.

Audience: Library staff responsible for/involved with Library induction sessions.

Booking: To book a place, follow the EventBrite link below

Information: For more information contact: Emma Hollinshead ( or Clare Langman (

Online event